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New Rescue
rescue dog

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It's all too exciting!!! Every Rescue is a wonderful gift.

By the way, if you are on FaceBook, please join Timi's Timi Talk's page in support of rescues! The more "friends" she has, the more leverage she'll obtain when fighting for us!! Click Here to become a Timi Talk's friend".

Awaiting our Next Rescue or
email: at ask4 (at) pawchicboutique.com

NOTE from TIMI: I only feature dogs that I have personally interacted with and know on a one-to-one level. I spend as much free time as I can at shelters freeing a lonely soul from his/her cage for a brief moment of love and attention while I get to know these various lives in need of a good home - before they are killed by the state. I post those that I find will make great companions and family members. The loss of life is staggering in this country, but we can begin change - one life at a time. When possible, I pull a precious life on their kill date, and place them in foster. Sadly there are never enough fosters to save all the deserving lives. Please remember that all dogs are California residents and since home checks are mandatory, can only be placed in local homes. Please check back often for new listings. Thank you for caring. ~Timi

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